Wholesome and Nutritious: Ragi Roti Recipe for a Healthier You

Ragi roti, also known as finger millet flatbread, is a traditional Indian dish that is not only delicious but also packed with nutritional benefits. This wholesome and gluten-free roti is a popular choice for those seeking a healthy alternative to wheat-based bread. In this blog post, we explore the wonders of ragi roti, from its rich nutritional profile to the simple steps of preparing this nutritious and flavorful flatbread. Get ready to discover the goodness of ragi and add a healthy twist to your meals.

The Nutritional Powerhouse: Ragi (Finger Millet)

Ragi, or finger millet, is a nutrient-dense grain that has been cultivated for centuries. It is known for its high content of dietary fibre, protein, calcium, iron, and other essential minerals and vitamins. Ragi is also gluten-free, making it suitable for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. Incorporating ragi into your diet through rotis is an excellent way to boost your nutrient intake and enjoy a wholesome meal.

Preparing Ragi Roti: The Simple Steps


  • Ragi flour (finger millet flour)
  • Finely chopped onions, green chillies, and coriander leaves (optional)
  • Salt to taste
  • Water (as needed)


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the ragi flour, chopped onions, green chillies, coriander leaves, and salt. Mix well to distribute the ingredients evenly.
  2. Gradually add water to the mixture and knead it into a smooth and pliable dough. The amount of water required may vary, so add it gradually to achieve the right consistency.
  3. Divide the dough into small portions and shape them into balls.
  4. Take a dough ball and flatten it using your hands or a rolling pin, dusting it with some ragi flour to prevent sticking.
  5. Heat a tawa or griddle over medium heat. Once hot, carefully place the flattened roti on the tawa.
  6. Cook the roti on one side until small bubbles start to appear, then flip it over and cook the other side.
  7. Press gently with a spatula to ensure even cooking and puffing up.
  8. Once both sides are cooked and lightly browned, remove the ragi roti from the tawa and serve hot.
  9. Repeat the process for the remaining dough portions.

Savoring Ragi Roti:

Ragi roti is best enjoyed fresh off the tawa. Serve it with a side of yoghurt, pickle, or any of your favourite accompaniments. You can also pair it with vegetable curries or lentil soups for a complete and wholesome meal. The nutty flavour and earthy aroma of ragi roti will surely delight your taste buds while nourishing your body.


Ragi roti offers a delicious and nutritious way to incorporate finger millet into your diet. With its remarkable health benefits and gluten-free nature, ragi roti is a versatile option for individuals seeking healthier alternatives to wheat-based bread. So, why not embrace the nutritional goodness of ragi and indulge in the flavours of this traditional Indian flatbread? Give ragi roti a try and experience the delight of a wholesome meal that nourishes your body from within.

Jayanth Dev

Jayanth Dev

Jayanth Dev was born on 1st April 1989 in Bangalore, India. He developed an early interest in writing as a result of his fascination as a child with the stories that appeared to him in his dreams. As most of his writings are typically reflections of his dreams, many people refer to him as a dream writer. His passion for the Old Scriptures sparked creative insights that helped him craft lovely tales that are present in all of his novels.